Fallout 4: 10 Things That Must Happen In 2015

6. DLC Plans

The three letters that strike fear into the hearts of gamers; D. L. C. Is there anything more disgusting, more morally reprehensible and downright unnecessary as DLC? Downloadable content saw a massive hike in being an obtrusive design element last year, with Assassin's Creed: Unity throwing up a potential paywall whenever you went to upgrade or buy a weapon, and Destiny in general being the first game that plays immensely well, whilst being restrained by a 'buy-monthly' plan for everything else. Bethesda are no stranger to controversy here either thanks to their godawful Horse Armour Pack for Oblivion back in the day, and if the budget for Fallout is as sky-high as what's probably needed to make sure it all goes off without a hitch, they could be thinking about segmenting off certain parts of the world for the sake of gaining additional income. It can be good when handled with care and disastrous when used as a pillar to support an entire game - where would you stand on the idea of Bethesda offering Fallout 4 in sizeable chunks?
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