Fallout 4: 10 Things It Must Learn From Mass Effect

1. Don't Botch The Ending

Of course; what lesson could be more important for the developers of Fallout to learn from Mass Effect than the one we all pray its own developers have will have learned for their own fourth instalment? Mass Effect 3 was a brilliant game, right up until the final few moments and scenes. From that point on, almost the entire back catalogue of epic moments and memorable companions was forgotten in a storm of fan outrage and internet backlash. Developers Bioware seemed torn; they wanted their ending to be realistic and grim but also wanted to find a way to make everything work out for their players and their Shepards. The result was a confused and just bizarre mess of outlandish theories and disappointing cop-outs. Not yet enough of a disaster, the developers then decided it would be a good idea to release additional endings as DLC and basically admit that they dropped the ball the first time around. In this world it's one thing to make a mistake in the first place, but to so sheepishly admit defeat was an even worse folly. Mass Effect's shining example of how to botch the ending of a perfectly incredible action-RPG series is one that should NEVER BE FOLLOWED by anyone ever. It will forever stand as the lesson to be learnt by all game developers, that even the strongest and most-beloved franchises can see their reputation left scarred by a shoddy ending. It may seem unreasonable to suggest it has such a huge impact, but it's already happened, and every fan with a franchise held dear prays it won't happen to their own ever again. #PrayforFallout. What does Mass Effect do better than Fallout, that you'd love to see transfer across? Let us know in the comments!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.