Fallout 4: 10 Things It Must Learn From Mass Effect

4. Let Players Shape Their Own Wasteland

In Mass Effect 3, players were offered a simple three-way choice of game modes that would alter the way the story played out for them. The three options shifted the heaviest focus of the game between being story-driven with balanced combat and RPG elements, or being far heavier in favour of action or customisation by choosing one of the other two. At the initial choice these options seem as though they will offer negligible differences, but in truth they really did alter the experience that players were afforded. Opting to stick with the RPG heritage of the first title, or lean more heavily on the latter action elements allowed players to stick within their comfort zone, or even step out of it in equal measure. Fallout is a game that splits its emphasis similarly between customisable role-playing and heavy combat, and could also benefit from allowing players to tailor their experience to lean in one direction or the other. The story choice could obviously offer the chance to leave Fallout's experience as the developers intended, but offering players the chance to influence their own adventure would add longevity to the title. If only for a second playthrough, players may experience a more bloodthirsty wasteland or forge their adventure through careful collection of resources and experience.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.