Fallout 4: 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

1. The Reveal Trailer - Fall 2015?

As Hollywood is discovering with their many 'trailer for a trailer'-style shenanigans, fans of entertainment media love to get more than comfortable on the hype train as it rattles through a few teaser stops, leaving only a few glimpses of things to come for everyone to thusly tear apart in the months that follow. Don't you kind of love it though? The discussions around how things are going to pan out, the "Did you catch the shot of that thing in the corner?"-style easter eggs, all with the knowledge that it's finally a confirmed title arriving at some point later on. Nerd-hype is a wondrous thing, and whether Bethesda do unleash whatever they've been working on at their own conference, or it arrives as the thing to kick off a platform-pitch from Sony or Microsoft during the main event, everyone in attendance or watching from home is going to lose their minds in the most enjoyable way possible. Bring that on. What are you guys psyched for when it comes to all things Fallout 4 related? Let us know in the comments!
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