Fallout 4: 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

8. That Opening Cutscene With THAT Voice

The "War... war never changes" line is one of the most synonymous quotes attributed to not only Fallout, but gaming history - all thanks to Ron Perlman's wondrous delivery. Whichever way the setting goes for F4, be it a prequel that fleshes out humanity's time in the immediate aftermath of the nukes going off, or something way further down the line where people are just getting by on the bare essentials, this series has the knack for creating scene-setting intros that immediately draw you in. The air of mystery that permeates any foray out into the Wasteland is quite an understated quality of the franchise, but that quintessential feeling of genuinely going out exploring in an entirely new world can be kicked off in the best way by both Perlman's inclusion and the first few glimpses of where we're at in the timeline being included within.
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