Fallout 4: 12 Incredible PC Mods That Make It Even Better

2. Fallout 4 Configuration Tool

(Link to Download) They€™re many options in Fallout 4 that aren€™t readily available through the game€™s launcher, things that should really be open to optimisation. In fact, you might say that the game€™s settings menu is a bit of a wasteland in itself. Thanks to creator Bilago€™s mod €˜Fallout 4 Configuration Tool€™, this lack of options should no longer be an problem for PC gamers. The mod allows players to adjust mouse sensitivity, alter the field of view and customise lighting and shadow effects. Most importantly, the mod gives you the option to unlock the framerate and tweak the game€™s resolution. Considering that most games allow you to customise many of these options from the get go, this is yet another example of a mod fulfilling a function that should have already been made available by the developers.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.