Fallout 4: 15 Ultimate Wishlist Features It Must Have

1. Co-op

Fallout 4 should not mark the game changing into a MMORPG, because frankly that would be a bad move for the series. Fallout is so dependent on the atmosphere it creates, and this would not be helped by thousands of players running around, jumping up and down, and screaming nonsense. That does not mean Fallout 4 should be an entirely solitary experience. Cooperative gaming and Fallout would be a match made in heaven. So many games have added excellent cooperative modes into their games it would seem foolish for Fallout to miss out. The game already let you play alongside a dog with a robotic brain, a ghoul bandito and a silent sniper, and what could be better than allowing a fellow player to control your companion? This should not be a mandatory mode, players should be welcome to attack the game on their own, and a drop in and drop out system would be perfect, as it would allow players to join forces when they want to, but also allow them to play through their game solo when they want to. Looking at systems used in games such as Borderlands 2 and Payday 2 there is definitely scope for this being possible. The only thing better than taking in the sights and sounds of the Wasteland is doing with a friend - especially if that friend is a dog with a robotic brain. What do you want to see added to Fallout 4? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

A 27 year old man who should know better. An actual RE teacher. Living in the North of the United Kingdom with his partner and two rabbits. The rabbits are called Jasper and Isabella, and they are the inspiration for most of his work, as well as eating USB cables.