Fallout 4: 5 Things That Will Happen (And 5 That Should)
2. Three Dog Will Return
Perhaps the character who we heard the most of in Fallout 3, strident disc jockey Three Dog will supposedly reprise his role in the latest post-apocalyptic outing. Talking to Nukapedia, voice actor Erik Todd Dellums candidly told fans about how he looks set to jump back into the nuclear waste:
I let them know that fans were clamouring, trying to figure out if there's any chance that Three Dog would be back sometime. And, you know, they let it slip that it looks like Three Dog will. And they said that, 'well, maybe you could tell your fans'.
Thanks for letting us know Erik, and heres hoping those secretive fellows at Bethesda actually said that you can tell your fans. The only implausibility regarding Three Dogs return is how in the world he had safe passage from Washington D.C. right the way through to Boston. Has Three Dog actually made this crazy journey or has he perhaps acquired some kind of super-powerful radio transmitter to get his word through to Boston? Only time will tell.
Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.