Fallout 4: 5 Things That Will Happen (And 5 That Should)

4. Vehicles

It€™s one of the few implausibilities which prevent us from fully immersing ourselves in the world of Fallout, but every time you see an abandoned car at the roadside while you and everyone else are still forced to break your back walking everywhere you can€™t believe no one has bothered to repair one of these vehicles. It€™s been 200-years since the Great War and people are still forced to walk from Megaton to Fort Bannister? Yeah right! Even Fallout 2 had a useable car yet the developers chose to simplify things in Fallout 3. Cars €“ if implemented correctly €“ would be an excellent addition to the series. Not only would it let you travel quickly but the vehicle could be used as a weapon to run down would-be enemies and you would be able to customise your ride to suit your specific needs. As long as the use of vehicles didn€™t regress into a Borderlands-esque free-for-all it would certainly be a valuable addition to the series.
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Fallout 4
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.