Fallout 4: 8 Huge Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

7. Where Are The New Features?

Go on, what's Fallout 4's defining feature? What can you absolutely not wait to get your hands on and experience? Chances are you're envisioning doing more of the same gameplay features as before, and although Fallout fans are a hard bunch to please when it comes to iteration, Bethesda have put in the likes of crafting and more world detail as direct responses to criticism, leaving the only notable 'all-new' feature as base-building. The idea of building your base just isn't that appealing when the core appeal of your game is exploration and moving from place to place. It begs the question of why would you want to repeatedly come back to an HQ-style setup when you can rest up on the go and keep moving? This core idea was patched into Skyrim through the Homestead DLC, something that left the option up to those who want to take their level of role-playing immersion to the next level, but for the standard Fallout player who's rarely hanging out in one spot unless they're taking up quests, it's a strange thing to showcase as a unique selling point.
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