Fallout 4: 8 Huge Problems Nobody Wants To Admit

3. Fallout 4 Is Only Bethesda's Second Fallout Game

Seems strange to read, doesn't it? Strange, but true. Bethesda actually acquired the rights from Black Isle Studios following that company's dissolution, converting the in-progress 'Van Buren' codename into what would then become their own Fallout 3. Following that we got the now-legendary instalment, but it was also one that sparked the divide in the fanbase that exists to this day. After 3's release Bethesda went on to make Skyrim, before letting Obsidian take the reigns on New Vegas; a semi-sequel that many lovers of the original two games preferred, thanks to its more varied colour palette, robust features and better sense of immersion. It's only now, where seven years later they're returning once again to such a divisive franchise, that we're seeing what the proper 'next step' for the main thread of Fallout games is. In many ways that either reinforces or dissipates the fear against why it's all looking so similar, point being; Bethesda are still getting used to a series that's barely associated with them, and that's either cause to play it safe, or to continue perfecting their original vision until it's the defined take on the mythology.
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