Fallout 4: 8 Things That Must Happen At Bethesda’s E3 Conference

2. A Release Date

'Coming Soon' - the words that can utterly deflate a press releases' momentum right at the last moment. Gamers don't want to be told "Hey you've waited this long, now wait a little longer", not after such a tight-lipped silence has become the M.O. for everything Fallout-related since 2010 anyway. Fans need to be told, in no uncertain terms, that a concrete date is etched in stone and will be adhered to. Bethesda have been in the industry for long enough to know how to play the press game - which is maybe why they've been so quiet all this time - but coming from a year that was filled to the brim with delays and cancelled projects (Bioware just cancelled their Shadow Realms RPG too) it's about time we got something downright phenomenal to bank expectations on.
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