Fallout 4: 9 Ways You're Playing It Wrong

2. Experiment With Choices

When you're playing through role-playing games, making choices as you progress through the narrative, you're probably going to stick to being either a good guy or a bad guy. In similar titles (even ones in the Fallout franchise itself) there's often an incentive in sticking with one path, either through the appearance of additional unlocks or specific narrative outcomes. However, the removal of the karma system in Fallout 4 has done great wonders to blur the line between the morals of the game's characters. While yeah, the basic Bethesda storytelling of Good vs Evil does shine through in every other mission or so, there are plenty of tough decisions to sink your teeth into in the developer's latest release. So instead of just deciding to be good or bad, mix up your reactions depending on the situation. While negotiating a peaceful end to a conflict might be the most moral thing to do, will it be the most fun? Deciding on your reaction in the moment rather than sticking to some good or bad guy template can do wonders for spicing up the world around you.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3