Fallout 4 Leak: 10 Reasons 'Hardcore Fans' Need To Stop Complaining

8. Fallout Is NOT About Face Tech

Y'know what had pretty crappy face tech and animations? The Mass Effect trilogy. In fact, pretty much anything that's not L.A. Noire or Halo's 4 and 5. Facial animation in games is something that just needs to be serviceable enough - as your mind will do the rest. Do you remember how the original Metal Gear Solid handled it? It was literally heads bobbing alongside the dialogue to simulate a conversation, and that became one of the most cinematic games of all time. Put simply, although Fallout is a highly immersive experience peppered with character interaction, facial animation not a selling point in a way that would necessitate Bethesda prioritising this over... anything else. Besides, when was the last time you really said to yourself "Oh I really wanted to enjoy that, but the facial animation was just too bad?" Get over yourselves. You're going to wander the wastelands, approach any and all in sight and have a few thousand different conversations, and not once - providing the script is solid - should you ever focus on how the words look coming out of someones mouth, as oppose to what they're actually saying.
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