Fallout 4 Leak: 10 Reasons 'Hardcore Fans' Need To Stop Complaining

4. The Scope Of The World Sells Itself

Have you heard anyone remarking on how immersive and detailed the new Wasteland looks? In the game's timeline it's been a good 12 years (I think) between F3 and 4, and now that humanity overall has started to rebuild, we're seeing all sorts of personable touches popping up across the otherwise deserted expanse. Everyone's been so focussed on the graphics and animations that they've completely forgotten about how environmental storytelling will be strong enough to carry you through anyway. Interior detail is way higher than ever, character models burst with vibrancy and the whole thing holds together with an aesthetic that looks very unique. Take one look at Fallout 3's dreary smush of greens and browns and you could label it as any other dreary shooter, but Fallout 4's amalgamation of bleak realism peppered with occasional spots of colour really makes it stand out amongst the competition. It's not about counting hairs on peoples' faces or watching for specific walking animations, nor should you be analysing frame rates or lamenting the colour of the HUD. Fallout's hook lies directly within its exploration and the portrayal of humanity's survival through that, which as you can see from all the shots released, is something that's really going to make this shine.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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