Fallout 4 Settlements: 14 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Assign NPCs Inside Your Settlement To Keep Them Around - Will Produce Legendary Items

After you've started sprucing up your various homesteads you'll notice all sorts of tradesman and women begin to take a stroll through your humble abode, with characters like Trashcan Carla most likely popping up first in Sanctuary. Now, some - but not all - of these NPCs can be highlighted in the Build menu, and then assigned to a specific item in your safe zone, the same way you would with a regular settler. This way you can ensure you'll always have someone like Carla on-hand to sell you ammo and other supplies whenever you return home, and on occasion an assigned trader or special NPC will produce Legendary items too, which can save you battling the far harder creatures out in the Commonwealth.
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