Fallout 5: 10 Things It Must Include

1. A New Setting In An Unexplored Location

Fallout 5

Fallout has taken us to the Western US, the Northeastern US, and if you consider Fallout Tactics to be lore-friendly, the Midwestern US. In Fallout 5, we should leave these regions for a new location that hasn’t been seen before

A long rumored location has been New Orleans. N'Orlans could provide a new take on Fallout, with the typical desert wastelands of the series giving way to a more swampy bayou centric wasteland that would surround the post apocalyptic ruins themselves.

Seattle has also been touted as a possibility. The rain-soaked city could play as an interesting locale, being the iconic Space Needle and other monuments would provide interesting locations to explore.

Lastly there's Florida. If you chose the Tampa Bay area you have the “bay” feel to explore and other locations nearby. If you chose Orlando, you would get the Disney World feel to the game and could also explore within that area.

The possibilities are almost endless in the Fallout universe, and I look forward to seeing where Fallout 5 takes us.

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