Fallout 5: 10 Things It Must Include
2. A Larger Map

Fallout 4 had a more dense map that saw closer combat and close range travel. Not to say that we don’t love these things or the unique feel they bring, but Fallout 3 and New Vegas had larger maps with more things spread out.
Though those two games had less marked locations than Fallout 4, and Fallout New Vegas took place in a desert, Bethesda could give Fallout 5 a good combination of density and exploration by creating the largest map in Fallout.
A city is going to be dense, like Fallout 4, but Fallout 3 felt special thanks to not only making cities large, but having the surrounding areas be relatively empty and spread out. The Capital Wasteland was desolate, open, and completely destroyed, giving Fallout 3 its strong post-apocalyptic feel.
Combining our favorite elements from Bethesda’s series should make an amazing fifth edition.