Fallout 5: 13 Things We Want To See

11. Vastly Superior Graphics

Fallout 5

Fallout 4 is, to be kind, a game that feels rather behind-the-times from a visual perspective. Yes, the art direction is superb and it's understandable that the graphics have to take a hit to accommodate such an expansive world, but come on, it's pretty rough-looking at times.

Mods have been released to tidy things up, but the version of the game that shipped honestly doesn't look a million miles away from Fallout 3, which given the seven-year time-gap, is pretty embarrassing.

The environmental textures and facial animations can be especially horrible, and if Fallout 5 simply looks like a middling upgrade of FO4, there's going to be a severe fan backlash.

How Likely Is It?: Expecting a gorgeous FO5 is extremely wishful thinking, and again, FO4's sales prove graphics don't mean much to the series' fans.

It'll look better for sure, but vastly superior? Not a chance. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.