Fallout 5 Wishlist: 8 Biggest Changes That MUST Happen

3. VR Support

Fallout 5

VR in games is still in its relative infancy, flowing more as a steady stream that a tidal wave of immersion. Whilst we have seen many standalone titles doing well, it's been a growing inclusion in already established series getting VR support recently. LA Noire, Skyrim and No Man's Sky have been utilised, as well as the PCVR users getting a Fallout 4 VR game for the VIVE.

The hope that it transgresses to PSVR users is a big one, as fans hope for an inclusion or a companion feature to accompany the next title. We've already seen that VR's great for shooting, both in real time and the time-slowing VATS system, but what other potential does it hold?

Imagine being able to manipulate a weapon you're crafting in real time, placing attachments where you'd like to hold them when you're using them in battle. Or when building settlements and such, being able to accurately place structures instead of fiddling with console controllers.

It's all speculation at the moment, but it would be great to have greater control over your world.

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Fallout 5
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.