Fallout 76: 10 Things Bethesda MUST Learn From Fallout 4

8. Mods Present At Launch

fallout 4 cars vehicles

While mods are present in all console versions of Bethesda's current RPGs, it took one hell of a rollercoaster ride to get there.

First they were seemingly only going to be available on Xbox One, with Sony putting up something of a fight against the idea. The company eventually allowed them on their console, but the selection was even more limited than that found on Microsoft's machine. Of course, all this drama was occurring over a mod system which was far inferior to the one found on PC anyway.

Still, in one form or another they got there in the end, and now mods have breathed new life into Bethesda's games. Consequently, the devs need to ensure that their hard work wasn't for naught, and when Fallout 76 hits, it needs to have the same support at launch.

How this would work with the supposed online-focus of the title is anyone's guess, but if there is a straight single-player mode, it should have immediate access to this unique fan-created content.

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Fallout 76
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3