Fallout 76: 8 Terrifying Enemies (And What They Represent)

6. Snallygaster - The Quick Ghost

Fallout 76 5 Scorch beast

In game, the weirdly named (and weird looking) Snallygaster is described as "a dragon-like demon," however, dragon-like seems to be code for pink fleshy dinosaur-looking lump with a mouth for a face rather than anything scaly and majestic, or winged and airborne, or even fire-breathing. So none of the good stuff. It's also noted as a result of experimenting with the Forced Evolutionary Virus.

In folklore however, the Snallygaster was a monster that was cited as half-bird, half-demon, named by German immigrants as the Swift Ghost as it would swoop in silently to steal its victims and suck their blood. The game version can be argued to tap in its human-feasting origins by focussing entirely on the Snallygaster's mouth, making its giant maw a feature of its existence (along with the disgusting tentacle tongue) in the same way that it's consuming of the local Maryland community was all-encompassing for the residents.

Whilst most monsters are simply born from the 'mutated and gross' theory in Fallout canon, the Snallygaster at least layers this over the folklore that inspired its name, a cross-bred lump of flesh that's as horrific as the 1900-era reports of a monster made up of various animals was back in the day.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.