Fallout 76: 8 Terrifying Enemies (And What They Represent)

5. Mega Sloth - Evolutionary Nightmare

Fallout 76 5 Scorch beast

A sloth rendered massive by radiation? Not that strange, considering that Mega Sloths existed long before Appalachia was brought to life.

The Mega Sloths of Fallout 76 hang around The Mire, living in trees and dropping down to attack curious victims that get a little too close for comfort. With a mouth full of sharp teeth and mushrooms growing out of their backs, you'd be forgiven for thinking that normal sloths had maybe been toyed around with for their creation - but the past has other things to say about that.

The Ground Sloth was a creature that existed until roughly 2500 BC, a giant version of the happy tree sloths we know and love replete with built in weaponry (such as their claws) able to slash tree trunks open with ease, which extended to hunters after an easy, ginormous kill if they got within swiping range. Sloths also allow fungus to grow in their fur as prevention against disease, in the same way as penicillin on bread, so their mushroom-y backs in 76 aren't a cute decoration, but actually an internal defence mechanism.

All in all, the Mega Sloth is a return to our history rather than an advancement of it. A fossil was even found in West Virginia in the late 1800s, so the basis in that area's folklore is happily continued with this behemoth sloth.

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