Fallout 76: 8 Terrifying Enemies (And What They Represent)
4. Flatwoods Monster - Interdimensional Traveller

Fallout 76's take on the forest-dwelling alien is a floating, eerie looking creature in a spacesuit - somewhere between organic and robotic, surrounded by a strange purple glow. As usual, it can be linked to a backstory based in West Virginian urban legends, an adaptation straight from the sightings that made it famous in the 50s.
The original Flatwoods Monster, presumed to be alien in origin, was a cryptid that made headlines in 1952 when two brothers stumbled across a round-faced, 10 foot tall monster that floated across the ground, seemingly encased in something resembling a spacesuit. Fallout 76 has remained mostly faithful to the legend, only changing its green glow to a royal purple hue - but it's pretty clearly a little alien guy floating about in the spherical helmet like a lost goldfish.
The Fallout version plays into the reports of the sighted creature by being able to teleport. The Flatwoods Monster was only ever spotted on one night, which a superstitious person might attribute to a extraterrestrial being getting the heck back on its ship and out of the area after being found. Its colour change to purple is an interesting deviation also: a rare colour to occur in nature, it reinforces the unnatural, interdimensional origin of the creature, and that it's not of our Earth.