Far Cry 5: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

4. Craft & Use Drugs To Trigger Super Strength & Much Bigger Health Bars

Far Cry 5

Far Cry's health system is awful. Once predicated on establishing a "you against the world" mentality across the original, its spin-offs and Far Cry 2, now we've got an increasingly anarchic sensibility with explosions, car chases and gunfire all round... with a health bar that dwindles in three shots.

To remedy this you can unlock two health boosts inside the Perks menu, but to be honest I barely saw any improvement in the firefights themselves.

Instead, keep an eye out for lupine, lettuce and oil, as combining these together in the crafting menu gives access to a sizeable damage reduction buff.

Also note the ability to make other "potions" that grant super strength, faster movement and auto animal-tracking, but this is the one that lets you enjoy the game's most overblown moments without the screen going black and white or you hiding behind cover until your health comes back.

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