Far Cry 6: 10 Reasons The Haters Are Wrong
4. Your Arsenal
The Far Cry games are all about the guns and gadgets. Far Cry 6 is no exception, giving you an incredible collection of guns, launchers, and tools. Many of the weapons you can acquire are mid-1900's era, reflecting the embargoes against Yara.
You also have access to what are called 'Resolver' weapons, based on the concept that because Dani's guerrillas have to scavenge for parts in a country whose technology has been largely left behind, you make do with what you can. Which is how we end up with weapons silenced with bottles, powered with motorcycle engines, and flinging CDs like Predator disks.
You also get access to jury-rigged backpack weapons called Supremos, that give you powerful abilities like rocket launching, healing, or stealth. The Supremos have slots to add mods or gadgets, which is how you carry your grenades, molotovs, etc.
Abilities that you previously had to unlock, for example, being able to take down heavy enemies with melee attacks, are open to you from the start, and tools like the wingsuit and grapple are available early in the game. Advanced skills that used to be in trees are now acquired through finding specialized clothing, allowing you to mix and match bonuses, resistances, and ammo supply via your wardrobe.
Whether you prefer quiet kills with a bow or ridiculous overkill with a fireworks launcher, you'll find something to play with.