Far Cry: New Dawn - 8 Details You Need To Know

7. These Twins Are The Villains

Far Cry New Dawn

Possibly aware of the controversy their covers have been known to stir up, Ubisoft took an unusual step with this announcement. While the trailer was dropped at The Game Awards itself, the cover was revealed a few hours before the ceremony started.

It features two women with their hair braided and weapons in their hands, sneering out of the cover at the player. While perhaps not as instantly evocative as Pagan Min’s tied up slave or Vaas’ buried prisoner, it definitely draws you in deeper. Their expressions are threatening, mocking, inviting... they’re post apocalyptic Mona Lisa’s with crossbows.

Some fans figured them for the protagonist; with so few black female leads in video games, there was an understandable desire to have them take the wheel. However, footage of them raiding a settlement in the trailer combined with Ubisoft’s press release confirmed that the Twins are in fact the antagonists of this adventure.

As with everything in Far Cry though, it’s unlikely to be clear cut. They might be the antagonists, but they might not always feel like they’re the only bad guys. Especially because someone else is returning...


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)