Far Cry: New Dawn - 8 Details You Need To Know

1. Far Cry 5’s ‘Good’ Ending Is Canon

Far Cry New Dawn

While Far Cry has never claimed to offer the level of choice in games like Fallout, Mass Effect or Fable, there were elements of the player directing the storyline. Because of this, the games typically ship with a handful of endings, and while some inevitably prove to be more popular than others, you choose your own experience. As sequels aren’t typical, no ending needs to be ‘canon’. The ending you choose is the true ending, as far as you’re concerned.

However, with New Dawn following 5, a choice had to be made. The ‘good’ ending of nuclear annihilation is the building block for the sequel, which again allows the writing team to start over from scratch wherever they need to, while still retaining the most successful elements of 5.

It says a lot about Far Cry that the nuclear option is the good ending, but 4 had you either siding with a hardline zealot with a creepy paedophile vibe or a relentless radical who wanted to fund her revolution through child soldiers and drug trafficking. Either that or support the murderous tyrant in charge. However New Dawn ends, safe to say it won’t be pretty.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)