Far Cry: New Dawn - 8 Details You Need To Know

2. A Direct Sequel To Far Cry 5

Far Cry New Dawn

A direct sequel is a relative rarity in Far Cry, with name brand recognition, similar themes, gameplay and activities being the selling point for returning players. Far Cry 3 was when the franchise really started to get noticed, but there’s no connection between the events that happen to Jason Brody and the Ajay Ghale’s story in four.

This time around though, there’s a direct link. It appears to be set a couple of decades after 5’s conclusion, with time for weeds to become overgrown and new power struggles to rise. Tossing it forward so far may well turn out brilliantly; it allows them to keep large parts of their usual, more episodic style.

With the Twins, we already have two clear new characters, and there’ll surely be a whole load more. However, we know Seed at least is returning, and possibly more Far Cry 5 alumni. So much time in between allows them to cherry pick; All the characters they can write narratives for can stay, while the duds from the fifth game can be conveniently written out. You just might see your favourite crop up again.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)