Far Cry Primal: 10 Things You Must Do First

7. Use Your Owl To Scout Enemy Territory

You aren't Jason Brody or Ajay Ghale any more, so with no fancy DSLR camera to zoom in from a distance and mark enemies, you've got to use your animal instincts. In Far Cry Primal you can call on an owl companion that flies independently above as you, as you remain at ground level. It can mark enemies and give you literally a bird's-eye view of the upcoming camp to conquer. The dense forests play well to this mechanic as you're more enclosed, and the overall feeling of the setting is more claustrophobic in many places - you don't want to rush into a camp only to be savaged by a hidden tribesman. The awesome part? The owl can dive-kill a single enemy as a silent strike before you even reach their yourself. You can literally act out the various 'eagle death' scenes from Far Cry 4 from the other side!

Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.