Far Cry Primal Review: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To See

4. World Design And Art Direction Is Outstanding

"The detailed character design and costumes on these allies is uniformly excellent, though, and they€™re covered in cracking facepaint and nasty scars and adorned with various furs, bones, and sticks." - Luke Reilly, IGN."When night falls on the rolling temperate landscape of Oros, wolfpacks can be seen ghosting through distant glades, strafing herds of deer. Bears wrestle over territory. Jaguars are speedy, writhing silhouettes in the tall grass, dangerously easy to miss." - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell, Eurogamer When Ubisoft decided they were going to fully re-skin the entire world around you to distance themselves from the relatively modern time periods of all the previous entries, you best believe they needed to knock this aspect out the park. Luckily, aside from some divisive dialogue implementation (more on that later), they've very much done so. Every reviewer mentions that the luscious scenery simply bursts with luscious vegetation, arching rock structures, powerful spraying waterfalls and intervening bodies of water. It's very much a nature-first approach, the picture painted one of a furtive humanity only just making our mark on the world, building various settlements and dealing with the realities of nature in between.
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