FIFA 13: 8 Failures We Want Fixed

8. No Face or Design For Manager

The Problem: It€™s quite perplexing how this hasn€™t been built upon over the many years Fifa has been coming out; but it€™s still not possible for you to design the look of your manager so you have no opportunity to craft a look and build a more believable interface with you and the team you€™re building. Look back at LMA Manager 2006, where goals had manager celebrations as well, headline stories had small scenes with the manager unveiling signings and speaking in conferences; how has Fifa not expanded in to this? They are really missing out on an area that could make the game more interactive and realistic to play. The Solution: Include it. So what do you think? What do you want to be changed in Fifa 13? Comment below!
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FIFA Fifa 13
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.