FIFA 14: 10 Nations You Won't Believe Aren't On The Game

3. Ghana

The team that stole our hearts in South Africa as the last remaining African nation in the inaugural African World Cup were cheated out of a place in the semi-finals by Luis Suarez (who we still haven't forgiven by the way), the Black Stars have qualified consecutively for the World Cup since 2006. Yet still, they're not on FIFA 14. They're arguably the best African team, having finished runner-up at two of the three African Cup of Nations tournaments in history. For some reason, the likes of Ivory Coast and Cameroon are chosen ahead of Ghana, which is unfair and leaves a huge hole in the international roster that can't be filled by anyone else. With Michael Essien, the Ayew brothers and Christian Atsu amongst the many talented players in their squad, there's no clear reason why Ghana would be left out of the roster of playable teams at all - yet we're still faced with having to cope with their absence. Sort it out, EA.
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Josh has had work featured in the Evening Gazette and on Newcastle United website. He is a Multimedia Journalism student at Teesside University and runs a successful sports blog. He also enjoys films, comics and TV, writing about anything he can. Josh has recently started writing his first of what he hopes will be many books.