FIFA 14: 6 MORE Players Bought By A Guy Who Doesn't Know Football

6. Islam Feruz

Pricetag: $1.2M, from Chelsea Feruz was purchased during the last transfer window that Wolverhampton spent in the Championship, a shrewd purchase from a team that largely wouldn't need him in Chelsea. In the years since his move to the club he's steadily improved and become part of the main reserve tandem of strikers used when Leigh Griffiths and Devante Cole need a break. Seemingly every time he hits the pitch he scores a goal or adds an assist, and his overall rating goes up almost weekly. The only downside in this is that he's the third-best striker on the team and is becoming increasingly vocal about playing time, which may force the sale of someone on the roster to make room for him. Regardless, his increased value and continually increasing ability indicate that he'll be a star if he's kept or a financial windfall should he be sold again.
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Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!