FIFA 14: 6 MORE Players Bought By A Guy Who Doesn't Know Football

1. Luke Shaw

Pricetag: $9.138M, from Southampton After rising to the top of the BPL table and staying there for nearly two full seasons, the focus largely turned to signing the core of the team to long-term deals and stabilizing positions that lacked depth (an ongoing process, in fact). In the most recent summer transfer window, once I had all my players locked up, I realized that I had a considerable amount of cash left over to go out and make a big splash. Left back has long been the weakest link in my Wolves chain, so I identified a good young talent with time left on his deal and plenty of upside, and the scouts came back with Luke Shaw. After a back-and-forth with Southampton, who were in no hurry to deal England's starting LB, I managed to drag him from their roster with an oddly-numbered overpayment. Unfortunately he only played a game and a half before blowing out his knee, which has sidelined him for his entire tenure in Wolverhampton so far. There's reason to be optimistic, as he's only 22 and has an overall rating of 79 already, but for now he's more or less a spectator that I paid $10M to have show up to Molineux once a week.
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Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!