FIFA 14: 6 MORE Players Bought By A Guy Who Doesn't Know Football

2. Lee Cattermole

Pricetag: $4.4M, from Sunderland If I have a guilty pleasure in sports, it's a guy who doesn't mind bending the rules a little bit to get the job done. It may be my own personal brand of sadism that sees it, but I'm a man who roots for the heel, who wants the villain to win. With that in mind I asked a particularly knowledgeable friend of mine one day: "who would you say is the dirtiest guy in the Premier League?" Without hesitation he responded: "Lee Cattermole." He went on to add that Cattermole was actually honorable in his own way, a guy who could take as good as he gives and was a pretty good player on top of being someone who didn't mind a little dirt under his nails. The next window that opened, he was at the top of my list. I ended up actually having to sell two center mids to make room for him on the roster, taking a loss on each, then overpaying for him because Sunderland didn't want to move him, but I got the deal done. In the time since he's become a staple in Wolves midfield, playing alongside Lee Evans in any non-league game and occasionally wearing the captain's armband when Batth needs a night off. And, downright shockingly, he's only landed himself one red card in two full seasons with the club.
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Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!