FIFA 15: 10 Players Who Will Definitely Be Over-Rated

7. Xavi - Barcelona

Last Season Rating: 88 The idea of downgrading Xavi would be a lot like downgrading Zidane or Pirlo - you simply do not mess with the kings of the game. The truth is that Xavi is not quite the player he was just a single year ago, and at 34, it's likely that his decline will continue, so the idea of him getting an 88 rating should be ludicrous. But real life has just made it almost certain that Xavi will be as highly rated as he was last season no matter how much he declines over the next few years. That's because the Catalonian club's puppet master midfielder has just been handed the captaincy at Barcelona, ensuring that his rating will be preserved for at least another year. We already have precedent: last year Carlos Puyol - the man he replaces as captain - was rated at an impressive (and unjustly high) 83, the same as he was the year before, when in reality he had declined obviously as a player between the two releases. Therein lies the confirmation that Xavi will remain close to 88 if not exactly there.
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FIFA 15 Xavi
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