FIFA 15: 10 Things EA Sports Have Improved

7. Mannerisms

For several FIFAs now, the players have looked remarkably accurate €“ well, closer to lifelike than Pro Evolution Soccer 5€™s Frank Ribery was ever going to, however, FIFA 15 has now significantly upped the game again with regards to player graphics. You can pick Napoli€™s Marek Hamsik out from a mile off; you can spot the diminutive stature of Lionel Messi from way back in row Z and Mario Balotelli looks touchable whilst performing his now iconic goal celebration. And it's not just about lookalikes here, though; it's also about how players are now programmed to place their hands behind their backs to avoid handling the ball €“ pretty cool, to say the least, right? Another superb mannerism implemented by the EA Sports Gods is that the players' emotions can now be monitored towards one another. For example, if Claudio Bravo walks the ball into his own net, his team-mates, as expected, will be crossing him off of the Christmas card list €“ maybe several own goals will see a Kieron Dyer and Lee Bowyer style fight during their time at Newcastle United.

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