FIFA 16: 16 Ways To Improve Ultimate Team Next Year

12. More Free Packs

If you're one of those players who can't afford to spend hundreds of pounds on FIFA Points to assemble your dream team, it can be pretty tough going. But then EA shouldn't really let you toil away forever when you've already spent £50 getting the game in the first place. It'd be nice if they gave players at least one free pack a week where you can try your luck at getting a massive pull and satisfy your pack opening craving at the same time. The cards would have to be untradeable to stop the market from being flooded with coins but how cool would it be if your free pack won you the likes of Eden Hazard? Weirder things have happened. Yes, EA offer players the choice of the season pass to get free premium gold packs each week but this would be a kind gesture to those who bought the game as it comes.

Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.