FIFA 16: The First 6 Things We Will All Do With The Demo

2. Watch The Referee Use The Vanishing Spray - Then Skip It Every Time After

One of the moments everyone should be dying to see in the new game is the moment when the referee uses the vanishing spray prior to a free-kick. Frankly the anticipation for this moment seems very strange given that most have probably seen it already in one of the many trailers that have been released to promote the game. However there is no denying that the first time you see the referee bust out his vanishing spray and draw that line of white foam in front of the defensive wall it will be a magical moment, perhaps because it will be our first time experiencing it within our own game. It might not be a massive game-changing element, but it's a great little detail that adds to the boasts of the game's simulation credentials. So even though you'll be skipping the animation in a matter of weeks and rolling your eyes, that doesn't take away from the first time.
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Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.