FIFA 17: 10 Tips To Play Like A God

5. Goalkeeper As Playmaker

FIFA 17, Paul Pogba
EA Sports

The role of goalkeeper has always been a fairly basic one on FIFA (unless you're taking your shot-stopper on a kamikaze solo mission against your little brother in exhibition mode). This year, however, goalies have been granted the ability to contribute to counter attacks - just as they often do in real life, particularly in the all-action world of the Premier League.

When your 'keeper has the ball in hand, hold the right bumper to execute a 'driven' throw or kick, allowing for speedier distribution in more urgent situations. The kicks are especially useful for launching surprise counter attacks when your opponent has committed too many men forward in search of a goal.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.