FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

7. The Ability To Switch Clubs At Will In Career Mode

FIFA 17 Job Offer
EA Sports

One of FIFA's continuing burdens is the lack of player freedom in Career Mode. Ignore for a second all the other problems with the mode, because winning countless Champions League titles with a minnow only for big teams to shun your manager is tedious at best and insulting at worst.

Back in the old days of FIFA, players were given the chance to switch clubs at will come the end of the season. That has since been scrapped in favour of the dreaded 'Potential Job Openings' suite, a feature that seems totally random at times. One week, Arsene Wenger has left Arsenal and the board are seeking a new gaffer. The next, you're playing against the Gunners and there's old Arsene himself patrolling the technical area.

It's all wildly inconsistent, and becomes worse when in-game bugs make it practically impossible to move clubs. That's when gamers get bored, switch off or start a fresh career. There's no reward for doing well, and that must change in FIFA 18.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.