FIFA 18: 10 Fan Demands EA Sports Must Include

6. PlayStation VR Compatibility

PlayStation VR
What Culture

It remains to be seen whether or not Sony's latest tech is a short-lived gimmick or not, but the PlayStation VR at least deserves a chance to show what it can do. Rumours are rife that EA will bring some sort of VR compatibility to FIFA 18, and that has to be considered an exciting prospect.

Imagine being able to see the pitch from new camera angles; sitting in the stands or taking pride of place in the director's box, your manager would be able to watch from afar. The whole thing just sounds enticing, although it would be a challenge to incorporate actual gameplay mechanics into VR.

Perhaps the best way to do this would be by gifting players control over the goalkeeper. Those old Move controllers could take the place of gloves (crudely, but they could) and allow gamers to dive around living rooms like Buffon in his prime.

It'd be a start, if nothing else, and remember how long EA took to develop the 'Be A Pro' feature.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.