FIFA 18: 10 Rumours That Could Be True

7. Team Momentum Comeback In Career Mode

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EA Sports

Glimpse at the picture accompanying this entry and you may be wiping the screen wondering why everything is so blurry. Modern-day crispness be damned: that shot is from FIFA 06, released in 2005. Eagle-eyed fans of the series will also notice something else.

The little dots next to each team name weren't just there for show; they represented 'Team Momentum' in the game. Basically boiling down to which side was in the ascendancy, this feature was supposedly governed by how well the player could string together passes, pepper the opposition goal with shots, and even deal with the CPU defensively.

The Sun reported on the idea of momentum making a comeback in FIFA 18, but even that national newspaper was quick to temper this being fact. Right now, it's simply conjecture, a rumour furthered by those who miss the ebb and flow of games gone past.

Maybe those folks should stick in a copy of PES, because Konami's own franchise still uses momentum and team chemistry to great effect.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.