FIFA 18: 10 Rumours That Could Be True

5. Paul Pogba Is This Year's Cover Star

Fifa 18
EA Sports

All signs are pointing to Manchester United's powerful midfield maestro Paul Pogba gracing the cover of FIFA 18. The Daily Star jumped all over the rumour recently by reporting on a leaked video that turned out to be concept art created by fans of the series.

Their fingers burned by this crafty (admittedly good-quality) piece of home programming, the paper then suggested that Pogba was still EA's choice to be splashed across box art and main in-game menus later this year.

A recognised star globally, the midfielder does also fit the mould of playing for a top club in England. It's no secret that the Premier League is a firm favourite worldwide with footy fans, so seeing Pogba on the box wouldn't be a major surprise in FIFA 18.

Either that or Phil Jones. Just kidding.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.