FIFA 18: 10 Rumours That Could Be True

4. The Journey Will Continue Alex Hunter's Story

The journey FIfa 17
EA Sports

The fact it was painfully short aside, 'The Journey' was a genuine thrill to play in FIFA 17. Taking the brain-numbing dullness of 'Be A Pro' and turning it into something viable, the brief story mode has real potential to become a FIFA staple if EA Sports play their cards right this year.

Ending just after a loan spell at a Championship team of your choice, Alex Hunter's journey from nobody to football great is a stick-on to continue in FIFA 18. There's just so much more to explore, including international call-ups, European glory, and all the associated high points and struggles of both.

There's so much scope with Hunter's character too. EA managed to create someone likeable at first attempt, which was definitely not a given. There hasn't been much coming out of the development team about 'The Journey 2', but it should play a big part in the single-player appeal of FIFA 18.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.