FIFA 18: 7 New Additions You Need To Know

6. The Game Is Centred Around Ronaldo

FIFA 18 Ronaldo
EA Sports

As if you hadn't guessed from his cover appearance and the fact he's splashed all over the place in EA advertising, Cristiano Ronaldo will play a huge part in FIFA 18. He's not just there for the box art though, because CR7 looks set to be 18's best player. Yes, even better than Messi, who just so happens to be on PES 2018's cover.

Elaborating on the previous point about FUT, the Real Madrid hero will be pivotal to that feature's success too. Right out of the box, Ronaldo is available for a 5-match loan across all 3 editions of the game (Standard, Icon and Ronaldo). Move over, Lionel, because EA have a new golden boy.

As if that wasn't enough, the FIFA 18 trailer shows Ronaldo smashing in a free kick against Chelsea. This hints that the set piece mechanics will be tweaked. After all, who wants to balloon the ball over the bar when Cristiano is standing over it? That'll happen if EA don't make changes.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.