FIFA 18: 7 New Additions You Need To Know

4. Nintendo Switch Version Will Be Built From The Ground Up

FIFA 18 Nintendo Switch

FIFA 18 will still be released on the old Xbox 360 and PS3 systems, albeit as a 'Legacy' edition. What this means is that neither version will have the new Frostbite engine, instead making use of Ignite one. Worries about 18 being a dud port on the Nintendo Switch appear to be something EA are keen to squash.

No, the Switch version won't use Frostbite, but it also won't be a straight up port of the 360/PS3 versions either. Instead, EA reportedly plan on building a Switch game from the ground up, meaning it'll have a unique flavour if nothing else.

Fingers crossed on this one, because there were similar rumblings about those old PS Vita FIFA games, and they ended up being reskins of old titles that lacked all the new bells and whistles. In short, Nintendo's version won't be as jam-packed as others, but it should have some individuality. It'd be foolish to expect anything else.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.