FIFA 18: 7 New Additions You Need To Know

3. Souped Up Journey 2

The journey FIfa 17
EA Sports

The Journey ended rather abruptly in FIFA 17, didn't it? Alex Hunter's journey from green rookie to Premier League goalscoring machine felt a little unfinished, almost like EA were gearing themselves up for a sequel. Imagine that. The Journey will continue in FIFA 18, and this time it'll be a bit better.

Remember how Bioware played around with their own dialogue wheel system in the Mass Effect series? That's the sort of thing to expect, because more interaction will be key to a top experience when filling Hunter's boots. The second part of this Journey needs to better what players saw last year, and further role-playing elements are the way to go.

EA's CEO Andrew Wilson has been excitedly talking up The Journey 2 to the press, claiming new characters and storylines that will build on the mode's foundations. Just give us more than one season, EA. Being out on loan to a Championship side was realistic, but it lacked the big-time feel FIFA games demand.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.