FIFA 18 Demo: 7 Things We Learned

4. Keepers Still Make Stupid Decisions

FIFA 18 Demo

Human error must be the most difficult thing to program in sports video games. In real-life football, even the greats make mistakes every now and then, but some do so more than others. For EA, that must be an annual nightmare. This year, it looks like goalkeepers were the ones posted missing when superior artificial intelligence stats were being dished out.

Press triangle (or Y if you're playing on Xbox and not PlayStation) at your own risk. When instructing the goalie to come out and meet the ball, it's a toss up whether or not they'll catch it easily or bizarrely attempt to punch the thing right into the path of oncoming attackers. This happened once too often in the demo, but maybe EA will sort it in time for the full game.

Keepers don't flail about quite as awkwardly as they did in past titles, and yet there are moments of complete stupidity that make David de Gea look more like Massimo Taibi on his worst day. This is hopefully something EA spent some time with when play testing the demo a while back.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.